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Cast t-shirts are here! Thank you for getting them here and ready to go, t-shirt committee! Sparkle cast can pic up their shirts at the end of Tuesday practice, and twinkle cast can pick theirs up after 8:15 Tuesday morning. Please do not disrupt rehearsal in the gym.

DVD orders are due this week! You can pick up your order form on the table by the office. Please complete the order form and attach a check to Oak Hills PTA or cash in an envelope. (DVDs are $15 each).

We are going to have a terrific week bringing this show to audiences! Cast members with mics, please arrive ONE HOUR before curtain. All other cast members, arrive 30 minutes before curtain. Remember to eat before the show and bring a labelled water bottle. If you use a mic, you won't be able to use the water fountain. You are welcome to use makeup-- rosy cheeks, pink lips, and mascara are great, but no need to go crazy. Charlotte Dennon, you are the glamour girl in this show and can wear tv anchor makeup. Cast members playing adults can wear heavier makeup if you choose.

We have our last two rehearsals this week! Hooray! Sparkle cast, come ready to review and sing at 7:30 Tuesday morning. Weds morning, it's Twinkle cast's turn to do the same. No mics or costumes in the morning this week.

We need to run Scene 12 at 7:20 AM, so Santa, Buddy, Walter, Emily, and Michael, please arrive ten minutes early. Please review that scene a few times before rehearsal.

Tickets will be available prior to each performance. Please remind your friends and family that they must be in their assigned seats 10 minutes before curtain. We will have a pre-show on Tuesday and Wednesday and need to start on time.

Thank you! Keep singing and smiling! Your production team is proud of you!

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