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Solo Opportunity

In the final song of the show (A Christmas Song Reprise), there are some featured soloists. Any cast member can audition for a solo! There will be 4 soloists from each cast.

You can find the music by going to YouTube and search Elf Jr Soundtrack. Click on A Christmas Song Reprise and forward it to !:34.

Solo 1: and if you're short on cheer think about that year you woke up to find a brand new snow had fallen

Solo 2: the ornaments you made way back in second grade

Solo 3: untangling the Christmas lights took your father several nights

Solo 4: your mother claimed that she had proof there were reindeer on the roof

Any student (any grade) is welcome to audition as long as they don't have lead. There will be an audition after school on Thursday. Come to the gym and you will have a chance to sing!

If you have a question, shoot an email.

See you at rehearsal!

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