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Character Breakdown

Buddy the Elf: Youthful, excited, naive, full of the Christmas Spirit

Walter Hobbs: Buddy's unsuspecting father. He worries more about work than his family. He works in a publishing office.

Santa: the real deal who lives in the North Pole and sadly crashes his sleigh in Central Park because of the lack of Christmas spirit.

Fake Santa: Works at Macy's department store, and not into being Santa.

Michael Hobbs: Buddy's half brother who really wants to spend time as a family, and wants to believe in Santa Claus.

Charlie: Head elf in charge of toy making at the North Pole.

Emily Hobbs: Walter Hobbs' wife, who lovingly accepts Buddy the elf as a step-son. She would love to spend more time as a family.

Jovie: Employee at Macy's who has had a rough time with romantic relationships. She is cynical and sarcastic and doesn't have the Christmas spirit.

Charlotte Dennon: News reporter who covers the Santa sighting in Central Park.

Deb: Walter Hobbs' pleasant secretary.

Schwanda: Charlie's helper at the North Pole.

Greenway: Grumpy editor at Walter's publishing office.

Macy's Manager: Runs the North Pole at Macy's department store. Tries to keep everyone on task.

Sam Chadwick, Sarah, Matthews: Employees at the publishing office willing to jump through any hoops to keep Greenway happy, even working on Christmas.

Cops, Security Guards, New Yorkers, Macy's Employees, Elves

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